• Manuel Bruges


Manuel Bruges

Blog - The Creative Professional

I believe that happiness is rooted in the harmonious balance of body and spirit. When the body and spirit unify, the mind gradually becomes calm and unimposing. I spend too many hours holding a camera or in front of a computer to say that I have a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, I do what I can to balance it with activities from which running one of my favorite. Outdoor running has for long served me well. I can run anywhere and start as soon as I leave my house, office, or hotel. Its economic and comes naturally to the human being. As the name implies, leisure running isn't tiring or painful, and I tackle it as I do with meditation. The first few kilometres the mind is always very active, and I used it to review the workday and reflect on my personal life. As I get more into the run, concentration takes place, and mind ceases to be a hindrance.

This blog will start soon, and will be about my interests outside my working life.

I believe that happiness is rooted in the harmonious balance of body and spirit. When the body and spirit unify, the mind gradually becomes calm and unimposing. I spend too many hours holding a camera or in front of a computer to say that I have a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, I do what I can to balance it with activities from which running one of my favorite. Outdoor running has for long served me well. I can run anywhere and start as soon as I leave my house, office, or hotel. Its economic and comes naturally to the human being. As the name implies, leisure running isn't tiring or painful, and I tackle it as I do with meditation. The first few kilometres the mind is always very active, and I used it to review the workday and reflect on my personal life. As I get more into the run, concentration takes place, and mind ceases to be a hindrance.

This blog will start soon, and will be about my interests outside my working life.

Blog - working on it. Soon will be ready.

Manuel Bruges ― 今日まで23年間日本に在住。旅行写真家としてキャリアを開始し、現在も一部または全般的な執筆・編集サービスを提供している。 デザインスタジオを経営し、全てデジタルでのサービスを展開中。オンラインでのマーケティングやブランド構築を手がける。

Manuel Bruges ― 今日まで23年間日本に在住。旅行写真家としてキャリアを開始し、現在も一部または全般的な執筆・編集サービスを提供している。 デザインスタジオを経営し、全てデジタルでのサービスを展開中。オンラインでのマーケティングやブランド構築を手がける。